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What are the methods used by Psychic readers to remove negativity?


Psychic Reader in Melbourne

Psychic reader in melbourne offer a variety of techniques to help individuals remove negativity and restore positive energy. These methods aim to clear out unwanted influences, balance emotional and spiritual well-being, and foster a more harmonious environment. By employing these practices, psychic readers assist their clients in overcoming challenges and achieving a state of balance and peace.

Energy Clearing

Energy clearing is a fundamental method used by psychic readers. This process involves using tools like crystals or sound frequencies to remove negative energies from a person's energy field. Crystals, such as clear quartz or amethyst, are believed to absorb and transmute negative energies. Sound therapy, using instruments like singing bowls or tuning forks, creates vibrations that help to cleanse the surrounding energy.

Aura Cleansing

Aura cleansing focuses on the energy field surrounding an individual. Psychic readers use various techniques to clear and rejuvenate the aura, which can become clogged with negative energy. Techniques such as guided visualization or energy work are employed to remove stagnant energies and restore a positive flow.

Chakra Balancing

Chakras are energy centers within the body that can become blocked or unbalanced, leading to negativity and discomfort. Psychic readers use methods such as energy healing, meditation, or specific exercises to align and balance these energy centers. By ensuring the chakras are in harmony, clients can experience improved physical and emotional health.

Guided Meditation

Guided meditation involves leading clients through mental exercises designed to release negative energy. During these sessions, clients visualize negative energies leaving their bodies and being replaced with positive, healing energy. 

Spiritual Counseling

Spiritual counseling provides clients with guidance and support to address underlying issues that may contribute to negativity. Through discussions and advice, psychic readers help individuals understand and overcome personal challenges, leading to emotional healing and growth.


Smudging is a traditional practice where sacred herbs, like sage or palo santo, are burned to purify spaces and individuals. The smoke from these herbs is believed to clear negative energies and create a positive atmosphere. Smudging is commonly used to cleanse homes, workplaces, or personal belongings.

Visualization Techniques

Visualization techniques involve guiding clients to imagine protective shields or positive energy fields surrounding them. This mental exercise helps dispel negative energy and fosters a sense of security and positivity. By focusing on positive imagery, clients can enhance their overall energy and well-being.


Affirmations are positive statements repeated by individuals to shift their mindset. Psychic readers may suggest affirmations tailored to specific issues, helping clients replace negative thought patterns with positive beliefs. Regular practice of affirmations can improve outlook and reduce negativity.

Energy Healing

Energy healing practices, such as Reiki, involve channeling healing energy to address and remove negative energies. Reiki practitioners use their hands or distance techniques to transfer healing energy, promoting balance and relaxation in the client.


Crystals are used for their ability to absorb and transmute negative energy. Psychic readers may recommend specific crystals for clients to carry or place in their environment to help maintain a positive energy flow. Different crystals have unique properties and are chosen based on the client's needs.

Meditative Practices

Meditative practices, including deep breathing and mindfulness, help individuals manage and release negative thoughts. By focusing on the present moment and calming the mind, clients can reduce stress and achieve emotional balance.

Psychic Readings

Psychic readings offer insights into the root causes of negativity. By understanding underlying issues, clients can receive recommendations for overcoming challenges and improving their lives. Psychic readings provide guidance for addressing and resolving sources of negativity.

Sound Therapy

Sound therapy uses sound frequencies from instruments like singing bowls or gongs to shift energy and promote healing. The vibrations produced help clear negative energy and restore balance in the body and mind.

Spiritual Cleansing

Spiritual cleansing practices involve rituals or spiritual methods to purify individuals and their environments from negative energies. These practices create a renewed sense of balance and positivity.

Forgiveness Work

Forgiveness work helps clients release resentment and emotional wounds. By engaging in forgiveness practices, individuals can heal past hurts and reduce the impact of negativity on their lives.

Cleansing Spaces

Cleansing spaces involves performing rituals or using tools to remove negative energy from environments. This practice ensures that homes and workplaces are free from unwanted energies that may affect individuals.

Spiritual Readings

Spiritual readings offer insights into and address sources of negativity. By gaining spiritual guidance, clients can better understand and resolve the challenges they face.

Manifestation Techniques

Manifestation techniques help clients create positive outcomes and counteract negativity. By focusing on desired goals and outcomes, individuals can shift their energy towards more positive experiences.

Healing Sessions

Healing sessions provide one-on-one attention to address specific issues and remove negative energy. These personalized sessions offer targeted support and healing.

Holistic Practices

Holistic practices, such as yoga and aromatherapy, combine to promote overall well-being and remove negativity. By integrating multiple approaches, individuals can achieve comprehensive healing and balance.

Energy Protection Tools

Energy protection tools, including amulets and talismans, shield individuals from negative influences. These tools offer additional support in maintaining a positive energy field and protecting against negativity.


Psychic readers in melbourne utilize a diverse array of methods to help individuals remove negativity and restore balance. From energy clearing and aura cleansing to guided meditation and spiritual counseling, these techniques are designed to address and resolve negative influences. By employing these practices, psychic readers support their clients in achieving a more positive and harmonious state, enhancing overall well-being and personal growth.

For more information:

Call: +61424127242



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