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How can psychic readers predict future events using astrology?


Astrology has been an intriguing subject for centuries, capturing the attention of those from all walks of life. Many individuals seek guidance from psychic readers who utilize astrology to gain insights into their future. But how exactly do these readers claim to predict future events using the stars and planets? Let's delve into this fascinating world and explore the methods behind astrological predictions.

Psychic Reader in Melbourne

The Basics of Astrology

The fundamental focus of astrology is on the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies, including the sun, moon, planets, and stars. Astrologers believe that supernatural forces influence human affairs and natural phenomena on Earth. The basis of astrological predictions lies in the zodiac, a belt-like region divided into twelve equal parts, each associated with a particular constellation and sign.

Birth Charts

One of the primary tools psychic readers use in astrological predictions is the birth chart, also known as a natal chart. This personalized map of the sky shows the exact positions of celestial bodies at the moment of an individual's birth. Readers analyze this chart to gain insights into a person's personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and potential life events. The birth chart is divided into twelve houses, each representing different aspects of life, such as relationships, career, and health. By examining the placement of planets within these houses and their relationships to one another, psychic readers claim to uncover patterns and potential future outcomes.

Planetary Transits

Another crucial aspect of astrological predictions is the study of planetary transits. These occur when planets move through the zodiac, forming various angles (aspects) with the positions of planets in a person's birth chart. Psychic readers interpret these transits as indicators of upcoming events or changes in a person's life. For example, when Jupiter, the planet associated with growth and expansion, forms a favourable aspect with a person's sun sign, it might be interpreted as a time of new opportunities or personal development. Conversely, challenging aspects of Saturn, the planet of restriction and discipline, might be seen as a period of obstacles or important life lessons.

Solar returns and progressions

Psychic readers also employ techniques like solar returns and progressions to make predictions. A solar return chart is cast for the exact moment the sun returns to its natal position each year, typically around a person's birthday. This chart is believed to offer insights into the themes and events of the coming year. Progressions involve advancing the positions of planets in the birth chart using various mathematical formulas. These "progressed" positions are then interpreted to reveal potential developments in a person's life.

Synthesizing information and intuition

While astrology provides a framework for interpretation, skilled psychic readers often combine this knowledge with their intuitive abilities. They may use techniques like clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), or claircognizance (clear knowing) to enhance their readings and provide more detailed insights. The art of astrological prediction lies in the reader's ability to synthesize various information from the birth chart, transits, and other techniques. For the benefit of their clients, they must interpret this complex data into insightful knowledge.

The Role of Free Will

It's important to note that most reputable psychic readers and astrologers emphasize that their predictions aren't set in stone. They view astrology as a tool for understanding potential influences and tendencies rather than a deterministic system. The concept of free will plays a significant role, as individuals always have the power to make choices that can alter their path.

Objectivity and Scientific Perspective

While many people find value in astrological predictions, it's worth noting that the scientific community generally regards astrology as a pseudoscience. Critics argue that there is no empirical evidence to support the claim that celestial bodies influence human affairs in the way astrology suggests. Objections point out that the positions of stars and planets have changed significantly since the zodiac was initially created due to the precession of the equinoxes. They also highlight the lack of a plausible mechanism by which distant celestial bodies could exert such specific influences on human lives.

The Allure of Astrological Predictions

Astrological predictions continue to capture millions of people worldwide despite doubts from the scientific community. The allure stems from the human desire for comprehension, guidance, and influence over the future. Astrology provides a structure for making sense of life's complexities and uncertainties, offering comfort and direction to many. For some, consulting a psychic reader who uses astrology is a way of self-reflection and personal growth. The insights gained from a reading can prompt individuals to examine their lives more closely, consider new perspectives, and make informed decisions about their future.


Astrology is a complex field that combines traditional knowledge with modern interpretation methods to predict future events. Psychic readers who use astrology employ various tools and techniques, including birth charts, planetary transits, and intuitive abilities, to offer insights into potential future outcomes. The scientific validity of astrological predictions is under discussion, but many find personal significance in these insights. Astrology plays a role in guiding and understanding an ever-changing world. The effectiveness of astrological predictions relies on the individual. For those who value this practice, it can inspire personal growth and provide comfort, helping them navigate life with a spiritual connection.

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